Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Jett kept watching out the window waiting for Dad to get home so that we could go trick or treating! He could not wait. Sawyer was the farmer, with no hat, because he would not keep it on. Jett was the chicken, and he would bagaeck like a chicken.

He would ring the door bell, say trick or treat, walk right in, take some candy, and sit right down. He made himself right at home! I think he did that because the first houses we went to were family, so we would go in and sit to chat a bit.

Look at all that Loot!

Now everyday since Halloween he asks if we can go trick or treating!
Sorry buddy, not until next year.


Reagan said...

Those are two cute trick-or-treaters! We had a chicken at our house too.

seleste said...

Fun Times! Congratulations! We were also on the 3-kids-in-3-years plan. More fun times ahead!!! Love you guys, see you in a few weeks.

shan said...

Rhett and Lisey,
I loved looking at your blog! Cute pictures and fun to see your trip in Ca. Gary went to bed and Seleste called and I have been on your blog spot and hers for an hour looking at all the cute pic.
It's late as you can see, so signing off, hope you are doing better lisey.
Love, mom