Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our Redneck ways . . .

To class up Rhett's derby car for the 4th of July parade I thought a Derby Queen would be just the ticket. I elected myself Miss Derby Queen 2009. This was my only chance to be any kind of a Queen, so I took my chance and ran with it. It turned out to be the hit of the parade!

I think my being the Derby Queen and all must have brought some good luck to Rhett. He ended up getting 2nd place in the derby! With his derby car being in 6 derby's already, it was me being his good luck charm that got him through, I am sure of it!!! Right Rhett???

Jett was so excited that his name was on the car and his Dad got a trophy. He asked his Dad if he would be able to hear him cheer if he cheered really loud. Rhett said no, so Jett said "Dad, just look for the kid that is jumping up and down." And he was jumping up and down, and screaming and he couldn't figure our why Dad couldn't see or hear him.

Oh dear me! Our Redneck ways!


Rasmussens said...

You have me laughing so hard right now. Your posts are so funny. Looks like you guys have had a great time. Hope to see you all soon.

The Wiseman Life said...

You make one DEAD SEXY derby queen. I am sure that is what brought the good luck. Anything that fabulous would have too. I just love looking at the fun things you Summer's are up to. What a fun life. :)